The Perfect Storm

March 5, 2024

Where did February go?  So busy preparing for the Perfect Storm
we didn’t get to Feb’s blog, so here she is as the news likes to say:

Sorry, brave and loyal readers.  We apologize for the delay but after you read this blog we believe you will understand. We feel so blessed we’re able to predict this Perfect Storm brewing on the horizon. We just hoped our company would survive and be there to help people through this powerful mixture of events (it’s not easy being so early in the game as a disruptive technology). These events are occurring at just the right time in our growth cycle(we would have preferred earlier, but as with all weather events, these things are tough to predict, and we must trust God’s timing and He provided us the right partners at the perfect time). Blessed to say we have survived and are STRONGER than ever.

What is a Perfect Storm?  Did you see the movie, the 2000 release with George Clooney depicting the 1991 Halloween Nor’easter?  The film combined three meteorological events to create the “Perfect Storm.”

The Collins dictionary defines Perfect Storm best as “an unusual combination of events or things that produce an unusually bad or powerful result.”

Our Perfect Storm focuses on the powerful result (not the bad although the frequency of weather storms does have a bad result for the residents whose pain we try to ease) as there have been three events that have created the PERFECT STORM (and of course we will use it to make the best water).

Event #1- Science and the Media have caught up to the water pollution problem AND the plastic problem.

This month the news was awash with tons of stories on both issues.  The recent articles regarding the contamination of our aquifers and the percentages of our municipal systems have been shocking, even to us.  The fact is the EPA has not put new contaminates on the testing list or a standard for testing for them or a safe limit, which is hugely concerning.

Let me give you a perfect example of this that I discussed at a FEMA/Army Corp of Engineers community meeting in Kula Maui when I was there in October.

We all know the growth of EV and the most prominent element in the batteries is lithium.  They were discussing the air testing that was done after the fires and the high content of lithium that prevented them from allowing people back to their homes and the community wanted the data.

As the lithium came from the EVs being burned,  I of course asked what the water tests showed regarding lithium and was told that they didn’t test for it in the water.  When I inquired why not if it was in the air, they responded, “The EPA hasn’t given us testing parameters or procedures to test for lithium in the water.”


Excuse me, I said to them. You know it’s in the air and you prevented people from going back into their homes because of it, yet you haven’t tested for it in the water because the EPA hasn’t given you water testing guidelines?   That absurd, I thought. You can’t make this stuff up.  I posted live videos on our FB page of us attending the meetings.


Here is a link to the EPA’s Technical Data Sheet for lithium-

Look at UCMR 5 as it states the following-

“SDWA (Safe Drinking Water Act) requires that every five years the EPA publish monitoring requirements for priority contaminants that may be present in drinking water and do not have EPA drinking water regulatory standards. UCMR 5, which includes lithium, spans 2022 – 2026, with sample collection by public water systems (PWSs) from 2023 – 2025 and the completion of data reporting in 2026 (EPA, 2021a; EPA, 2021b). Learn more about UCMR 5.”

It states right there those chemicals in UCMR 5 “do not have EPA drinking water regulatory standards.”  In other words, we are monitoring the situation every 5 years and we will get back to you.  Man, that doesn’t exactly make me feel better.  How about you?

Now we have all seen the new studies released this month regarding microplastics in bottled water.  Here is a quote from the study conducted by the NIH, “The researchers found that, on average, a liter of bottled water included about 240,000 tiny pieces of plastic. About 90% of these plastic fragments were Nano plastics. This total was 10 to 100 times more plastic particles than seen in earlier studies, which mostly focused on larger microplastics.”,mostly%20focused%20on%20larger%20microplastics.

We have stated this for a decade (and been called fear mongers), but I know that if I put a case of water in the sun for a week the TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) readings will go through the roof.  I could maintain the seal on the water bottle but the number of particles inside would increase.  While a TDS reading doesn’t tell you what the particle is that’s increasing, but what else could it be?  The bottle is sealed. The only thing in contact with the water is the plastic bottle.  Anyone remember Sheryl Crow saying she got breast cancer from drinking unopened hot bottled water in her car that she put back in the fridge?  The bottled water industry and the media lambasted her for that statement.

Microplastics affect the cells in your body.  Water will only hydrate you if it crosses the cell membrane.  If it doesn’t, all it does is pass through your body.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand tiny particles of plastic might block this process or severely damage your cells.  Also, what is plastic made of? Petroleum. Yea that sure seems healthy, doesn’t it?

We stand vindicated for bringing this up a decade ago and now the public has the facts.  That’s a pretty powerful Event #1 right there.

Event #2- The increased efficiency and Government Subsidies for Alternate Energy has made it a viable alternative to Municipal Electrical Utilities’ and the Government Subsidies for adding solar and AWGs more economical.

I have been blessed over the past two months to be interviewed by numerous publications and radio shows discussing the Environment and our technology (Environmental Impact with Environmentalist icon Nancy Pearlman  and Authority Magazine naming me a Social Impact Hero  to name two) and I also have an article being published in Energies Magazine March issue that discusses this exactly (we will post when its published this month).

Getting tax credits for buying solar and knowing you have a set capital cost that can be amortized over 7 years makes AWG technology attractive and more economical than in past years.  It also allows you to control two of the most important commodities for living a safe, peaceful and healthy life–water and electricity.

I will not go into detail in this blog as the article will come out soon and I am honored and blessed that Energies felt it was worth publishing, but we have finally secured great solar partners to co-market our products.  The partnership with NUE Use Energy that was released last month and our working and testing relationship with the Non-profit has put us in a position that no other AWG company has.

We have tested our products together and now offer solar solutions to our customers on our website.  We are about to unveil our solar page as well.  Only being in this industry for the past 15 years has given us the reputation and trust for other companies in the alternate energy industry to want to partner with us. We are also finishing our South Florida Disaster Relief Trailer with our AWGs run on solar.  Thank you, Mind Army, for having the vision to support this cause and LGNDS for making a huge donation to protect South Florida during a disaster.

Event #3- Civil unrest and lingering fear over what is happening in the world

War in Israel and Gaza. In Ukraine. China and the US at odds with balloons being floated over our Country.  Extremists in BOTH parties (not being political but the word moderate seems to have left the dictionary) seemingly unable to find any common ground.  I don’t think it’s an overstatement to say the world is in a mess right now.

Now we wish this wasn’t the case and we are not trying to feed into the fear, but we have seen a larger group of people that want to secure their access to safe water and electricity. We have always believed, with groundwater pollution and other aspects affecting our planet, that it is a great idea to secure your own safe water supply.  It’s the reason why we have invested so much money in building the best AWGs on the market.  But we wish there wasn’t all this unrest to help prove our point.

It does make sense.  With unrest and wars not being fought the traditional way (now with unmanned drones, bioweapons, threats of EMP, farming industry being controlled, and farmland being bought up by the rich, and experiencing supply problems with COVID etc) have caused even the most ardent city dwellers looking to move to the country and become sustainable and resilient.

The prepper movement is no longer fringe.  It’s mainstream. Heck, we have a new hit TV show Modern Homestead that follows two Californians – Janna Breslin and Evan DeMarco that move to Tennessee to learn how to Homestead

Three events all move together at one point in time to create the Perfect Storm.  Sorry we missed the February Blog, but we have been busy giving people the right tools to be resilient to weather this storm.

Have a blessed and safe March everyone and Lord willing we will be back in April to update you on our progress.

If this blog has piqued your interest, we would love for you to become a Water Warrior and join the movement to give every human the right to access pure safe drinking water.

So, for the good of the planet, your loved ones and yourself, I urge you to become a . . .

Water Warrior!