The Water Warriors Movement


Start Local

Getting to the root of any mission always starts right where you are, by addressing the need that is in your own neighborhood first, and then thinking more broadly about the larger global community.

At Altitude Water we are driven to create opportunities, share ideas, and develop innovations that help to solve collective challenges.  We want to empower the next generation of individuals to get involved and share their gifts, ideas, and passions with others to make the world a better place.

To begin the process, Altitude Water is establishing the Water Warriors, a water consciousness initiative, to get schools, foundations, corporations, communities, etc., more involved in the understanding of water, it’s uses, it’s sustainability, it’s conservation, and it’s management.

Altitude Water has provided our community with free water prior to anticipated disasters. We open our factory to the public to fill water bottles so that our community does not have to wait in line or have empty shelves. We are also building a Disaster Relief Trailer for South Florida in association with Mind Army and a local company (announced soon).


Think Global

“There is a worldwide drinking water problem and Altitude Water is positioned to help solve it, but we cannot do it alone.  With your help and support we can create more awareness about how the lack of clean drinking water affects all of us,  and work together to implement strategic paths to reach our goal – clean drinking water for all.”

To realize this objective, Altitude Water has been working to establish relationships and partnerships with people and organization here in the US and abroad that share the same water vision we do.

We are working with Aquavera-a Non-profit that raised the funds for the Maka village program and Jean-Felicien Gacha Foundation who is building the water hub and establishing programs to assist the village in training, education, and skills.

We are also working with to help decrease the carbon footprint of the Disaster Relief Industry (one of the highest footprints for carbon) by integrating solar and alternative energy with our water machines to provide a truly resilient and sustainable alternative to generators and plastic bottles.

Through our Clean Drinking Water Program (CDWP), and with the help of our partners, Altitude Water is trying to build relationships around the world that will help guaranty the sustainability of clean drinking water for everyone.

Thirst-Free Future

Hydrate The World

Our plan to hydrate the world starts with local drinking water production and delivery; expands beyond community boundaries by word-of-mouth facilitating the Water Warriors; educates the next generation on water, the water cycle, water protection, water uses like soil & hydroponic gardening, micro economics; and sustains accessibility to clean drinking water around the world.

Be the change

Join the water Warriors today!

Spread the word about our global clean drinking water problem.